Online Payments Through Banco General
In order to make future payments you need to look for the Insurance Services option within the Favorites section of your Banca en Línea online browser. If your money transfer is being done through another bank, please detail the policyholder’s name and plan number.

Choose the payment option (Pagos) in the transactions (Transacciones) menu.

Choose the letter “S” and click on the Servicio de Seguros option.

Complete the requested information form and press Aceptar (accept), followed by Realizar pago (make payment). This will take you to the Favoritos (favorites) screen, where you must look for the Servicio de Seguros option, place the amount to pay and press Aceptar.
Payment Options
Upon completion of the credit card form from your insurance company, they will be able to retrieve the payment directly from your credit card, avoiding you the hassle of having to do it personally.
Credit Card Forms:
To handle payments directly through our team, please contact us at 215-1870 and ask for our Payment Department (Cobros).
For Insurance Payments:
Payments by Yappy